Jet Plasma is a safe, non-invasive solution to your unique skincare needs!


What Is Jet Plasma?

Non-Invasive, non-toxic, non-chemical, & non-surgical

Jet Plasma is a new plasma technology used to brighten and tighten skin, shrink pores, and promote high levels of collagen regeneration. The jet plasma device was designed with a combination of both jet ( J Plasma) and cold plasma using 13,000 V of a strong, low-temperature atmospheric plasma on the surface of the skin.

How Does Jet Plasma Work?

Jet Plasma works by remodeling and repairing the cellular structure of the skin. Although there are immediate improvements of the skin, there will be improvements over the next 6 to 8 weeks as collagen continues to regenerate.

What Can Jet Plasma Treat?

Scarred or damaged skin

As the jet plasma works to rejuvenate your skin, it can reduce the appearance of scarred tissue on the surface of the skin.


Jet plasma suppresses, melanin production, resulting in reduction of hyper pigmentation. Along with lightening, the plasma increases absorption of skin, brightening products, increasing overall results.

Loose, Aging, or wrinkled Skin

Jet plasma increases collagen, production, and cellular regeneration, making it an incredible non-invasive skin tightening treatment. Studies have shown an increase of skin density of 14.8% after a single treatment.


Jet plasma is effective in treating acne. The plasma technology, destroys P. Acnes bacteria. It’s sterilizes the skin and produces an anti-inflammatory affect and reduces oil production by 25%.

Long-term Benefits

Compared to other treatment options which only last from three months to a year, check plasma last from 2 to 5 years depending on lifestyle.

Jet Plasma Pro Treats:

• Fine lines and wrinkles
• Heavy eyelids
• Eye bags / eye hollows
• Textured skin
• Collagen loss
• Uneven skin tone
• Dark circles
• Sun spots
• Skin laxity
• Scars
• Melasma
• Active acne
• Eczema, psoriasis, rosacea
• Acne scars
• Crepey skin
• Stretch marks
• Hair Restoration